Making sure I don’t forget things.

I’ve created a couple of checklists, and would like to hear any feedback on them. They are a Review Checklist, and a Commit Checklist.

They came about after I had been working mostly on experimental add-ons for a while, and then attempted to push a couple of reviewed fixes. Since I was out of practice, I managed to get something minor wrong on both of the pushes. (The first one failed to attribute the patch to the proper author; The second one failed to mention the bug number in the commit message.) Since I’m a bit of a perfectionist, this really annoyed me, and so I vowed to write up the steps that I go through when I need to commit and push a patch, so that I could refer to them later, since if checklists can save lives, then I figure they can probably also help me do my job better. But before I go to that, I needed to review a patch, so I wrote up some of the things I look for when I review a patch too.