Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro is a science fiction
book by a non-science fiction author. As such it's kind of implausible from an
sf point of view because Ishiguro isn't trying to create a rigorous, believeable
universe to satisfy nerds like me, he's creating an allegory to make a point. So
I guess it's not really science fiction; I'm not sure what you would call it.
Anyway, it's very good and quite sad. And I guess it's not all that unbelieveable.
It depends how pessimistic you are feeling.
Race Against Time by Stephen Lewis
This is a collection of essays originally delivered as the 2005 Massey Lectures.
Stephen Lewis is the United Nations' Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa and boy,
is he pissed. Basically we are all screwing over Africa because we can't be bothered
to spend the few bucks it would take to treat and prevent AIDS and thereby rescue
an entire continent from tragic poverty and remove from the world yet another
hatching ground for un-parented proto-terrorists. (He doesn't say that thing
about terrorists, that's mine.)
Africa is full of child-led and grandmother-led
families and it's heartbreaking and sickening how we continue to turn our backs
on it. Africa is a magical land rich with resources and cultures and the rest of
the world has metaphorically hit it over the head, stolen its lunch money, kicked
it in the ribs and is now walking away. Call your representatives and tell them
it is time to look after Africa.
Also Stephen Lewis is smart and strong and noble and brave, even if I did make fun
of his daughter-in-law here a while back.
American Backlash: The Untold Story of Social Change in The United States by
Michael Adams
Michael Adams is the head of a polling company which has done extensive
polling of Americans and discovered that the true divide in American
values isn't between Republicans and Democrats but between politically
engaged citizens and those who couldn't give a rat's ass. And it's the
values of the non-rat's-ass-givers which are leading the trajectory of
social change in American from respect and independence to hedomism and
individualism. So he says. He also talks about how the two parties can
reach undecided voters, and why the Democrats are having their asses
whupped so bad lately.
He makes some pretty compelling arguments, but
now I am more interested to read Fire and Ice, which compares
Canadian values to American values.
I think Jon Stewart should read this book, except he probably already has.
Although maybe not, because I'm not sure this book has been published
in the US.
How to Simply Cut Children's Hair: A Step-by-Step Guide to Cutting, Perming
and Highlighting Children's Hair by Laurie Punches
This book seemed pretty useful and I might get it out again once Delphine is old
enough to sit still while I try and cut her hair. And before she gets old enough
that she is too cool to have a home haircut. So that will be a, what, two week
window? The book blurb says "Exploration is part of the adventure" -- let me assure you
that an eleven-year-old does not want you having any adventures with her hair.
Incidentally I should look up books on how to cut my own hair -- I am meeting
more and more people who cut their own hair and I think I should try it. Fifty
bucks every six weeks is just too much money.
Leading a Software Development Team: A Developer's Guide to Successfully
Leading People & Projects by Richard Whitehead
Like it says in the title, this book is written for developers so it sometimes
left me wondering whether I can make it as a software manager. Whitehead talks a
lot about design and architecture, saying that it's important to take the time
to come up with a good design before you begin coding. I understand that that is
important but
I am not sure that I would be able to tell if my team had come up with a good
design. Actually, no,
I think I would be able to tell if we had a lousy design, but I'm not sure
I would be able to convince my team that I'm right. Perhaps the only problem is
one of confidence.
Anyway, because the book is written for developers it leaves one with the impression
that the only good team lead or project manager is someone who started off coding;
I don't think that's true but I need to read "A Non-Developer's Guide to Successfully
Leading Software People and Projects" or some such book to get an idea of my
career trajectory. I need to decide how much time to dedicate to being in
development before I can move into project management -- none? Five years?
Ten? Or maybe I will go through testing instead.
Did I really just say that?
Am I insane? How passionately did I swear that I would never ever do testing again?
Can I really go back into a job I hated and love it and make a career out of it?
Has my attitude improved that much? I just don't know.
Still, this is a very good and useful book that covers many areas of project
management, from technical issues to decision making to managing team members
to dealing with lousy bosses. Blake is going to read it too. The only worrying
thing is that the author photograph very flatteringly makes the author look
about 32 so I'm not sure I trust him.