Let's Pretend

Delphine is seldom Delphine. Sometimes she's Pooh, and I'm Piglet. Sometimes she's the mummy, and I'm the baby. Sometimes she's Ursa, and I'm Delphine. Sometimes I am Stella and she's Sam, and sometimes I am Sam and she's Stella. Lately, she has been Corduroy and I have been Lisa.

She has a tremendous imagination. Today she pretended a calendar on the wall was a baby, and she was rocking it to sleep. Any pair of things where one is bigger than the other become a mummy and baby: "Mummy spoon, mummy spoon, I am sad! Want up mummy spoon!" And she holds the baby spoon approximately halfway up the mummy spoon.

Yesterday she and Blake were playing with balls, and they held them on their heads and Delphine said "Look Mummy! We got two heads!"

It's so much fun being along for the ride with her amazing little brain.