Neil Gaiman in EffNews.
After seeing the EffNews plugin
for Andrew Kuchling's journal,
I was inspired to try creating one of my own, for Neil Gaiman's
I think it went pretty well, although I'ld like to spend a little
more time on it, to do something prettier with the dates. Perhaps
urls = [""]
def simpleprovider(context, text):
context.push("channel", title="Neil Gaiman", link=urls[0])
header = '<font Class="bold"> Journal:<font>'
signature = '<blockquote>'
i = j = k = 0
j = text.find(header, j)
while 1:
i = text.find(signature, j)
if i < 0:
j = text.find(signature, i+len(signature))
if j < 0:
description = text[i:j]
context.push("item", link=urls[0], description=description)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# test wrapper
import urllib
class context:
def push(self, tag, **kw):
print tag, kw
simpleprovider(context(), urllib.urlopen(urls[0]).read())