Strange Conversations in IM
[14:50] Skiff: о [14:50] Skiff: привет [14:51] Skiff: сообщения дошли? [14:51] Coder: I'm afraid I don't speak Russian. Perhaps you were looking for someone else? [14:51] Skiff: omg :) [14:52] Skiff: do you have a GLATCO Credit Union enroll accounts? [14:52] Coder: Nope. [14:53] Skiff: sorry [14:53] Skiff: b [14:53] Coder: No problem. I get it all the time. [14:53] Coder: Have a nice day. [14:54] Skiff: thx :)
Well, that was odd. Can anyone translate the stuff at the top, and leave a comment letting me know what it says?